In which country did David Livingstone serve?


What does Revelation 14:7 say?

"Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters."

Who nailed 95 theses to which door & in what year?

Martin Luther, Wittenberg Castle Church, October 31, 1517

Who was burnt at the stake?

John Huss & Jerome

What was the name of the colony where the first settlement that had full religious freedom was founded?

Rhode Island

What did the preaching of John Knox do in Scotland?

Shake the foundation of apostasy

What did William Tyndale give to the common people of England?

The Bible in their own language

Who first preached the first angel's message in Sweden?

The Petri Brother

What did the Waldenses keep burning in the Dark Ages?

The light of truth

Where did John G. Paton serve?

The South Pacific

Where did William Carey serve?


Who is known as the herald of reform?

John Wycliffe

Into what language did Adoniram Judson translate the Bible?


Which friend of Martin Luther help to draft the Augsburg Confession?

Philip Melanchthon

What did the second angels' message announce?

That Spiritual Babylon is fallen

What did the first angels' message warn about?

The judgement hour has come

What periodical on the second coming did Himes produce?

Signs of the Times

What happened on November 13th, 1833?

The falling of the stars

In which country did Johann A. Bengel serve?


In which country did Joseph Wolff serve?


What was the real name of Juan Ben-Ezra?

Manuel De Lacunza

Where did Francis Louis Gaussen serve?


Where did H. Heintzpeter serve?


Who wrote the book The coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty?

Manuel De Lacunza/Juan Ben-Ezra

What was Joseph Wolff known as?

Missionary of the world

What is the "Midnight Cry" referring to?

Calling attention to the believed second coming of Christ in 1844

How did Ellen Harmon feel about becoming a prophet?

She did not want the gift at first and prayed that God would remove it

What did William Miller believe the cleansing of the sanctuary referred to?

Cleansing of the Earth by fire and the second coming of Christ

Where in the Bible can you read about the second angels' message?

Revelation 14:8

What was the reason for the great disappointment?

The misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the Scriptures and signs

In vision Ellen Harmon had the fourth commandment pointed out to her by

A halo of light

Where was the first Seventh-day Adventist Church?

Washington, New Hampshire

What was the name of the book J. N. Andrews wrote about the Sabbath?

History of the Sabbath

What does the third angels' message tell us about?

Warn men and women against receiving the mark of the beast

How old was Ellen Harmon when she became God's messenger?


Who was the first Seventh-day Adventist author to print a tract on the Sabbath?

Joseph Bates

What was the name of the book on the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation that Uriah Smith write?

Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation

What vision did William Foy refuse to relate?

The ultimate victory of the saints

In what year did Ellen White die?


In what year was the Great Disappointment?


What vision did Hiram Edson receive?

Jesus moving from the Holy Place to The Most Holy Place in the Heavenly Sanctuary

Who wrote the book The Great Controversy?

Ellen G. White

On what subject did Rachel Preston distribute tracts?

The Bible Sabbath

What happened in 1844?

The Advent believers waited on the second coming of Christ only to be disappointed. This is known today as the Great Disappointment

Where did the Seventh-day Adventist Church begin?

New Hampshire

What did early Adventist think about church organization?

Strong feelings and vocal negative opinions

What is the correct way to write the name of our church?

Seventh-day Adventist

How was the gospel ministry to be supported?

Systematic benevolence

What was the first step towards church organization in 1853?

Identity cards issued to ministers

Where was our first General conference session held?


Who was the first General Conference President?

John Byington

In what year was the first General Conference session held?


In what year was the General Conference moved to Washington D. C.?


In what year was the paper Present Truth first published?


In what year was the Youth's Instructor first published?


In what year was the first tent meeting held?


In what year was the name "Seventh-day Adventist" adopted by our church?


Who pioneered the first church school?

Goodloe H. Bell

What happened in Michigan in 1868?

First camp meeting

The first mission ship to the Pitcairn came as a result of offerings from which department?

Sabbath School

In what year was the first Camp Meeting?


In which country did Philipp Reiswig serve?


J. N. Andrews was the first official what? And in what year?

Overseas missionary; 1874

Where did J. G. Matteson serve?


Where did D. T. Bourdeau serve?


How did the payment of tithe affect our church?

Strenghten all phases of the ministry

Where did our first Seventh-day Adventist missionary go?


In which country did J.E. Fulton serve?

Fiji Inslands

Who opened the permanent work in New Zealand?

Elder Haskell

What did Abram La rue do in Hong Kong & China?

prepared the way for missionaries Edwin H. Wilbur and J. N. Anderson to enter China fourteen years later.

Who was M. E. Kern?

First Youth Director of the General Conference

Who founded Avondale College?

Ellen G. White

What society did Luther Warren help to organize?

Young People's Society

Who originated the plan for Ingathering?

Jasper Wayne

Who are trained at Loma Linda University?


What church paper was first used when Ingathering?

Signs of the Times

In which country did F.A. Stahl serve?

South America

When did Ingathering begin?


Who died in 1915?

Ellen G. White

What did H.M. S. Richards pioneer in 1926?

Religious radio broadcasting

In what year did was the Adventist Theological Seminary established in Washington, DC


In what year was the Adventist Theological Seminary moved to Berrien Springs?


Where did Leo B. Halliwell serve?


In what year was the Pathfinder Club officially accepted by the Seventh-day Adventist Church?


What is the role of the Communications Department?

The mission statement of the Communication Department is "building bridges of hope." This is being accomplished by reaching the diverse church audiences, both within and externally, with an open, responsible and hope-filled communication program, and through the effective use of contemporary technologies and methods of communication.

What is the role of the Ministerial Association?

The Ministerial Association serves pastors, pastoral spouses and families, evangelists, Bible instructors and local church elders with encouraging spiritual nurture, professional development, practical resources and continuing education

What is the aim of every department of the church?

Win souls for Christ

What is the role of the Sabbath School Department?

It has four purposes:
1. Study of the Word, enabling members to study the Word of God systematically.
2. Fellowship, providing opportunity for social interaction.
3. Community outreach, teaching the gospel to those who do not know it.
4. World mission emphasis, making funds available for the worldwide expansion of the

What is the role of the Education Department?

The Education Department provides coordination and supervision to the worldwide Seventh-day
Adventist educational system, from the elementary school to the university level

The Accent magazine is published by the General Conference for which department?

Youth Ministries

The Liberty magazine is for which two departments?

Public Affairs and Religious Liberty

Who is Baraka Muganda?

Past Youth Director of the General Conference

Who was the first General Conference Youth Director?

M.E. Kern

In what year was the first Seventh-day Adventist college opened?


Which department fosters religious radio and television programmes?


Which department publishes Ministry magazine?


Which department publishes Listen magazine?

Health and Temperance

Which department funds overseas missions?

Sabbath School

Which department prepares resources for the Christian Home and marriage?

Family Life

Which department fosters the development of churches and institutions?

Global Mission

Which department promotes the colporteur work?


In which country did J. N. Andrews serve?


In which country did William Carey serve?


In which country did Adoniram Judson serve?


In what year was the five-day Plan introduced?


In what year did the name Adventist Youth replace Missionary Volunteers?


In what year was the Lisbon earthquake


In what year was the Dark Day?


In 1961 what happened to the College of Medical Evangelists?

Renamed as Loma Linda University

Where did A. G. Daniells serve?

New Zealand

Where is the Trans-European Division headquarters?

St. Albans, United Kingdom

Where is the Inter-American Division headquarters?

Miami, Florida

Which department promotes tithes?


Which department is responsible for promoting the Pathfinder club?

Youth Ministries

What are the objects of the Health Department?

To promote health and well-being of all members of the church and community.
To establish caring units such as hospitals, clinics, smoking-cessation support groups or even
AIDS support groups in churches, schools or other Adventist and non-Adventist institutions.
To promote abstinence from harmful substances. Health Ministries seeks to establish, above all, relationships with people regardless of race, gender, age or circumstances through which the healing power of God's grace can be disseminated.Which department wins good will to the church?

Which department is responsible for operating the Seventh-day Adventist school system?


Which department was organized to train young people for Christian service?

Youth Ministries

What department preserves the right of every person to worship?

Public Affairs and Religious Liberty

What department makes up 70% of our church?

Women Ministries

True or False: The General Conference Session in 1901 became known as the "turning point toward unity, reform, solvency and ardent evangelism"


True or False: James White died in 1874

False, 1881

True or False: Dr. J. Kellogg mixed pagan beliefs with the Bible


John Byington was the second president of the General Conference.

False, First

True or False: J. N. Andrews was the first official overseas missionary


True or False: God warned the members living in Battle Creek to "spread out and take the good news"


True or False: The SDA headquarters were burned by fire so they moved near Washington, DC in 1903


Avondale College in Australia was founded by Ellen White in what year


The tithing system replaced the systematic benevolence plan in what year


Today thousands make their living through this ministry or earn school scholarships through this ministry during the summer months.


The first book that was colporteured was

Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation by Uriah Smith

Colporteur ministry was introduced to the church by whom, in what year?

George King, 1881

In the year was the General Conference Youth Department was formally organized.


The first young people's society was organized in where and what year

Hazelton Township, Michigan | 1879

Who started the young people's society

Harry Fenner, 17 & Luther Warren 14

When and where was the Missionary Society was formed, that became the Lay Activities Department and now the Personal Ministries Department.


The ship that was sent to the Pitcairn Islands was called the "


The first Sabbath School lessons were published what magazine? When? By Whom?

Youth Instructor, 1852, James White

The first OFFICIAL camp meeting was held on a farm in this state, when?

Michigan, 1868

When was the first OFFICIAL Seventh-day Adventist school was started ? By Whom?

1872, Goodloe H. Bell

In 1866 the health institution was opened called what? What is it now called?

The Health Reform Institute, The Battle Creek Sanitarium

Who is the current world Pathfinder Director?

Janatan Tejel

When was the first OFFICIAL "Signs of the Times" published?


The United States government granted NONCOMBATANT status to Seventh-day Adventists in


What is the name of our denominational church paper

Review and Herald

The name "Seventh-day Adventist" was selected to represent the movement in the year


Where did Phillip Reiswig serve?


Where did Ferdinand A. Stahl serve?

South America

The "Present Truth" was published in what year?


The "YOUTH INSTRUCTOR" began in what year and who wrote it?

1852 | James White


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