The 6 Doctrine of the SDA
- Doctrine of God
- Doctrine of Man
- Doctrine of Salvation
- Doctrine of the Church
- Doctrine of the Christian Life
- Doctrine of Last Things
There are 28 fundamental beliefs divided into 6 Doctrines
- Doctrine of God
- The word of God
- The Godhead
- God the Father
- God the son
- God the Holy Spirit
- Doctrine of Man
- Creation
- The Nature of Man
- Doctrine of Salvation
- The great controversy
- The life, death and resurrection of Christ
- The experience of Salvation
- Growing in Christ
- Doctrine of the Church
- The church
- The remnant and its mission
- Unity in the body of Christ
- Baptism
- The lords supper
- spiritual gifts and ministries
- the gift of prophecy
- Doctrine of the Christian Life
- The law of God
- The Sabbath
- Stewardship
- Christian behavior
- Marriage and family
- Doctrine of Last Things
- Christ ministry in the Heavenly Sanctaury
- The second coming of Christ
- Death and resurrection
- The millennium and the end of sin
- The new Earth